Linking your AWS Certifications to your company’s AWS Partner Network (APN) account
If you have any experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS), you will know that they offer certifications and training. You will also know that Amazon in general makes things slightly more complicated than they need to be. That’s no different in trying to link your AWS Certifications account to your company’s AWS Partner Network (APN) account.
The company you work for may have signed up to be an AWS Partner, this enables them to reach different levels so they can win more business.
Once you begin achieving AWS certifications they will likely ask you to register with their APN account so they can include your certifications in their totals. That’s where things get complicated. After doing some Googling it is strangely hard to find any advice on how to do this and AWS’s pages don’t make it obvious how this works.
I decided it is time to document this process to make everyone’s lives easier. This process will also work if you have changed jobs and need to move your certifications over to a new company.
1. Go to the Register with AWS Partner Network page. At first this might look like you are registering your company with the AWS Partner Network. However this is actually how you register with your company’s APN account…
2. Click the “Let’s get started” button.
3. You will be greeted with a standard register form. Enter your name and your current company’s email address (eg., not your AWS certification account email address (unless you used the same email address obviously).
4. Next it will verify your email address and ask you to create a password.
5. Once your email and password are set, it asks why you want to join. Easiest to select “Take Training” but it doesn’t really matter.
6. Now time to add some of your details. Fill in the basics like Job Title. You can add your AWS Certification Account email address here if you remember it, don’t worry if not as you can add it later. The important part here is to select “Yes” for the “Training & Certification Consent” as this will share your certifications with your company. Again this can be updated later.
7. And you’re done! You now have an APN account with your current company.
If you didn’t add your AWS Certification Account email address in the registration or you added the wrong one. You can change that by following these steps:
- Click “View My Profile” in the Quick Links section on the left.
2. This shows all of your details and you AWS Certification details. To change these details, click “Edit”.
3. In the edit form, enter your AWS T&C Account Email and change the consent dropdown to “Yes”.
4. Submit the changes at the top.
5. You should now be able to see all the changes you made.
Once your APN and AWS Certification accounts are linked, it might take up to 48 hours before your certifications start showing in the account.
You can check if they are showing by viewing your profile and clicking on the “My AWS Certifications” tab. If it has linked up correctly you should see all of your certifications in there.
And there you have it. It’s a fairly simple process really once you get passed the confusing AWS guidance.